Monte Gabberi, a simple path with a suggestive view

From the modest summit of 1108 m asl, Monte Gabberi offers a path of simple difficulty and medium duration of 1h 30m to reach the summit, on which we find a large metal cross, with a spectacular panoramic view of 270 ° from which it is possible to see Lucca , Pisa and Marina di Pisa, the town of Camaiore, Lake Massaciuccoli, the piers of Viareggio, Lido di Camaiore, Marina di Pietrasanta, Forte dei Marmi and Marina di Massa, up to the Cinque Terre, the Tino and the Tinetto.

The path to the top of the mountain starts from the town of Pomezzana or from the town of Farnocchia, which we remember for the famous Sagra del Magnifico Tordello, which takes place from the second half to the end of July, and is characterized by wooded and rocky landscapes, with a few, small sections, with a steep slope.

"Sta nella cruda nudità rupestre - "It is in the raw rock nakedness
il Gàbberi, irto qual ferrato casco. - the Gàbberi, bristling like a shod helmet.
Ecco, e su i carri per le vie maestre - Here, and on the wagons along the highways
passa il falasco." - pass the sedge. "
(Gabriele D’Annunzio)

Monte Gabberi offers a natural spectacle that diversifies in all seasons of the year, offering the visitor an ever new spectacle, able to always leave him speechless.
